Message from Principal

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                                                                                              Dream, Believe & Achieve...
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled."

Education is a powerful tool that can be used to change the world. The Sovereign School has been a harbinger of change & adaptability. We encourage variety in the thought process and welcome changes that help a child feel confident, trustworthy and responsible. It is because of these traits that they remain strong as they grow up to be compassionate adults. They become distinct individuals who can use their ideas as carriers of powerful expression. Their ability to understand various contexts, aids them in the process of deriving logic that is useful and succinct.

Large sections of our population has very limited access to the resources required for a good education; from instructors to the ever-growing and diverse mediums of instruction. We feel privileged as we have the ability, as a school, to overcome these hurdles and focus on inculcating in our students the right values, right from childhood till they graduate from school. TSS strongly supports the development of extracurricular skill to augment and provide a more holistic education. We provide this experience to increase the situational awareness allowing students to relate their learning in classrooms to real life situations.

We have fostered such an environment where our students have won awards & accolades ranging from International Level to State Level, District Level to Inter School Competitions; be it in Academics, Sports, Music, Dance, Dramatics, Quiz, Art, Craft or IT arena. As educationists, we are constantly bringing innovative methodologies by adopting tools & frameworks inside as well as beyond the four walls of the classroom that disseminate knowledge which is relevant, engaging & interactive. Today, the children need to be fortified with the ability to demarcate the wisdom gained through education.

The journey to become a value based leader starts with Self-Reflection.

Rightly said by Harry Kraemer, if you truly commit, you become an effective leader. It requires personal discipline, hard work and continuous practice. New skills & insights, belief & values, mission & a big picture vision always lead to positive results to reach the Zenith of Success.

Ms. Preetika Gupta


"The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers. ~ Ralph Nader "