Club & Societies

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The introduction of systematic, well-planned, and rigorously implemented programs of vocational education is crucial for making the curriculum more interesting, enjoyable, and child-centered. Talent is justified only when it is showcased and along with hard work, it is tuned into legend. When talent is suppressed, it suffocates!!! It displays our vast array of skills. Each of us is born with one talent or the other. It is rightly targeted through Hobby Clubs & Societies. It forms an integral part of the curriculum where you are the master of your own self. So, give wings to your imagination and capture the journey to explore your innate potential & reach the final destination. With this aim, we at The Sovereign School introduced a variety of Clubs for our young Sovereigns.

  • Literary Club  (French / English)
  • Sports Club
  • Eco Club
  • Interact Club
  • Performing Arts Club (Music / Dance / Art)
"Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.~ Henry Ward Beecher "